Contact us.

Need to get in touch with our staff? We’re ready to answer any general questions you may have. For the quickest assistance and to discuss personal medical conditions, please call us at (503) 777-1983.

To schedule a visit, please visit our Appointment Request page.


4506 SE King Road
Milwaukie, OR 97222

Monday: 8a–1p
Tuesday: 7a–5p
Wednesday: 8a–5p
Thursday: 7a–5p
Friday: 9a–5p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Phone: (503) 496-4550
Fax: (503) 496-4551


SE Portland

5212 SE 52nd Ave
Portland, OR 97206

Monday: 7a-5p
Tuesday: 7a–5p
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: 7a–5p
Friday: 7a-5p
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Phone: (503) 777-1983
Fax: (503) 771-1984